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Swagelok Bangalore

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Never intermix fittings

Why Never to Intermix Fittings

Swagelok is the market leader in tube fitting and other fluid system technology. There are several other companies worldwide who offer similar products, which are typically poor quality copies of our technology. We are aware that many manufacturers say their products are interchangeable and intermixable with Swagelok-designed fittings. But the truth is, no manufacturer can reliably and uniformly replicate the products of another manufacturer. Also it is important to note that there is no industrywide commercial design standard for tube fittings and components of the type Swagelok manufactures.

It is a poor practice

We feel it is our responsibility to make you aware of the risks associated with interchanging and intermixing components made by different manufacturers. This is an unsound practice that can result in unpredictable performance, environmental releases, safety problems, and increased costs. It can also be particularly dangerous in critical applications.

Please consider the below facts while contemplating this decision:

  • Each manufacturer follows its own internal design standard—also encompassing proprietary processes—thus, an intermixed/interchanged fitting is essentially a new design for which the user alone must assume complete responsibility.
  • Some manufacturers may“guarantee” an intermixed/ interchanged tube fitting, but they will claim no effective responsibility—it will be all but impossible to provide any meaningful remedy when poor performance occurs
  • Intermixing/interchanging components from other manufacturers voids Swagelok's limited lifetime warranty.
  • The Journal of Engineering Design Volume 10, No.4, 1999, has details of a thorough study conducted by the University of Wolverhampton, U.K., that specifically analyzes intermixing and concludes that intermixing is not advisable and has high risks associated with it.

The fact is, many other outside sources and standards agencies also discourage this practice. Our customers have told us they value single manufacturer control for highly reliable performance. But, when an installer interchanges or intermixes components, the predictably consistent engineering Some customers request information on the interchanging and process control that they expect is lost.

We are available to discuss your thoughts, concerns or best practices to ensure your safety and success. 

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