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Swagelok Bangalore

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Swagelok Bangalore


Swagelok Bangalore India office

Swagelok Bangalore (Bangalore Fluid System Components Pvt. Ltd.) is an authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center covering South India, North India, Sri Lanka and Maldives. Established in 1999, we have 125+ associates with offices in Bangalore, Delhi, Chennai and Hyderabad.  

We strive to be the best in the industry by supplying high-quality products backed by world-class service associated with the Swagelok brand. We are certified to the Swagelok Quality System (SQS) standard, which exceeds the requirements of ISO 9001:2008. 

We provide our customers with the highest quality Swagelok products, such as Fittings (Tube Fittings and Adapters, VCO, VCR, Weld, PFA, Pipe), Valves (Ball, Needle, Check, Relief, Diaphragm, Bleed and Purge, Metering, and many others), Hoses, Filters, Quick Connects, Pressure Regulators, Pressure Gauges, Sample Cylinders, Orbital Welding Machines, Leak Detectors, Medium and High-Pressure Products, Pre-Engineered Sub Systems, Miniature Modular Systems, Grab Sampling Systems, Mechanical Seal Support Systems, Tubing and Tube Accessories. 

We also support training customer Associates and provide services such as Swagelok Custom Solutions, where we can build an assembly based on your requirements. We also offer our customers an Energy Emission Survey, a Compressed Gas leak Detection Survey, Sampling System Audits, Hose Advisory Services, Tool Kits, Onsite Services, and more. 

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