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orb weld
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Why Choose an Orbital Welding System?

Many different industries use automatic orbital gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) to help their products achieve maximum leak integrity, high performance, and ultra-cleanliness. The process is used in various applications, from the biopharmaceutical and semiconductor industries to petrochemical and power plants to chemical processing and refining operations.

Automatic orbital GTAW establishes an arc between a non-consumĀ­able tungsten electrode (positioned in the weld head) and the base material that is being welded, creating a weld puddle. The electrode and weld puddle both are surrounded by a shielding gas, which is fed through the weld head to protect the electrode, molten weld puddle, and solidifying weld metal from atmospheric contamination. The heat produced by the arc melts the base material, and the electrode moves along the joint and progressively melts and joins the adjoining surfaces (Picture 1).

Small, portable inverter power supplies, advanced control systems, and other developments have made orbital GTAW systems practical for many applications. The advent of new technology has led to further improvements in the systems’ ease of use, weld consistency, and weld reliability.

Watch - Swagelok M200 Orbital Welding Demo Video