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Swagelok Bangalore

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

VCR/VCO Installation

The Swagelok VCR metal gasket face seal fitting and VCO O-ring face seal fitting provide leak-tight service. They are best suited for applications with minimal clearance or components requiring frequent replacement or service. Learn the differences between VCR and VCO fittings, their standard features and key markings, and where they are used in this course. Then, learn what it takes to install each fitting type effectively and how to troubleshoot any issues you encounter. 


  • Difference between VCR and VCO 
  • Standard features and key markings 
  • Applications best suited for using this fitting type 
  • Troubleshoot fluid systems in applications using this fitting 
  • Installation process of VCR/VCO fittings 

Audience: Installers, Technicians, Contractors, Fabricators, Designers, Maintenance Associates, Engineers and Managers 

Length: 4 hours 

Instructor: Certified to install VCR/VCO fittings and to teach VCR/VCO Installation