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Swagelok Bangalore

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Tube Bending

Bending tubing correctly is an art. This course provides instruction in the critical elements of tube bending. We aim to teach you to make the correct bends and not waste material. In this class, attendees bend tubes and practice the essentials. Bend with the best, improve your system performance, and reduce rework time by making the right bends the first time. 


  • Identify the correct tube system placement 
  • Understand the installation and reassembly of Swagelok tube fittings 
  • List the dangers of mixed-fitting components 
  • Practice the "measure-bend method" through hands-on exercises using Swagelok Hand Tube Bender 
  • Identify correct tubing types for the specific applications and common tube bend defect 
  • Understand NPT thread installation and the use of thread lubricants and sealants 

Audience: Installers, Technicians, Contractors, Fabricators, Maintenance Associates, and Engineers 

Length: 4 hours 

Instructor: Certified to install tube fittings and well versed in Tube Bending techniques