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Swagelok Bangalore

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Orbital Welding

If you're designing a critical fluid system, you're likely considering welding for assembly. The Swagelok® M200 welding system makes producing precise, consistent, quality welds easy. While automatic orbital welding can help you overcome issues related to widespread welder shortages, proper orbital welding training is essential to equip your emerging welders for success.  

The Swagelok Orbital Weld course is a one-day class that teaches students basic welding principles and the fundamentals of orbital welding. Attendees will learn to set up, operate, and troubleshoot equipment and critique weld quality. 
The class features Swagelok's M200 power supply and weld heads; however, the techniques taught in this course can be applied to any automatic Gas Tungsten Arc Welding System (GTAW). 


  • Gain an understanding of welding principles 
  • Understand the setup and operation of the Swagelok M200 
  • Troubleshoot frequently encountered welding problems
  • Avoid operational issues through hands-on experience 

Audience: Welders of all experience levels interested in learning about orbital welding

Length: 4 hours 

Instructor: Instructors hold Certified Weld Inspector (CWI) and Certified Weld Educator (CWE) qualifications