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Swagelok Bangalore

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Hose Essentials

Hose Essentials

Understanding the fundamentals helps to extend hose production cycles, ensure safety, and lower the total cost of ownership. Instructors introduce common terminology, explain hose selection variables, and show how to select hose for different applications. Coursework includes standard practices for conducting hose inspections and best practices for preventive maintenance. 


  • Define common hose terms and terminology 
  • Describe how to evaluate hose fit for purpose 
  • Discuss hose selection variables 
  • Describe guidelines for hose installation 
  • List common issues found in hose applications 

Audience: Anyone involved in the selection, installation or inspection of hoses 

Length: 4 hours 

Instructor: Certified to install tube fittings and knowledgeable on products and applications