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Swagelok Bangalore

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Sampling Basics

Sampling Basics

Sampling is the science of safely capturing a sample from a process or a pipeline while maintaining the chemical composition during storage or transport for later analysis. Depending on the process phase, temperature, consistency, chemical makeup and other factors, there are a variety of approaches that can be used to extract a sample.

Determining the container type needed is the first decision that must be made in order to select the appropriate sampler.

Captured Phase  Container Type
 Pressure-Containing  Non Pressure-Containing
 Liquid  ✓ Cylinder  ✓ Cylinder
 ✕ Bottle  ✓ Bottle
 ✓ Cylinder  ✓ Cylinder
 ✕ Bottle  ✕ Bottle

✓ = recommended ✕ = not recommended

Another important aspect is the temperature of the system fluid. Many processes operate at elevated temperatures and can pose a hazard from direct scalding during operator interaction or from the temperature limits of seats and seals being exceeded. Swagelok recommends consideration of a sample cooler when the supply temperature exceeds 140°F (60°C.) Note that thermal safety may affect sample integrity.

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